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Your Hobby Short Summary For Class 12th
Your Hobby
A hobby is an activity which an individual pursues in his free time and features a keen interest in it. Hobbies are pursued with tons of enthusiasm. i prefer reading books and developed an interest in reading at a really young age. i prefer to read all quite books like fiction, mystery, biographies. My favourite author is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , who has created the character "Sherlock Holmes', one among the simplest detectives within the world. especially , i prefer the book The Hound of Baskervilles.
My hobby of reading has helped me tons . it's certainly helped me to enhance my skills in English which is important in today's time. it's helped me to enhance my vocabulary also . Reading has helped me to find out about human behaviour and nature. it's a huge ocean of data and that i am yet at the shore.
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Your Hobby
A hobby is an activity which an individual pursues in his free time and features a keen interest in it. Hobbies are pursued with tons of enthusiasm. i prefer reading books and developed an interest in reading at a really young age. i prefer to read all quite books like fiction, mystery, biographies. My favourite author is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who has created the character "Sherlock Holmes', one among the simplest detectives within the world. especially , i prefer the book The Hound of Baskervilles.My hobby of reading has helped me tons. it's certainly helped me to enhance my skills in English which is important in today's time. it's helped me to enhance my vocabulary also. Reading has helped me to find out about human behaviour and nature. it's a huge ocean of data and that i am yet at the shore.
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